Thursday, March 29, 2007

Back to life

My last post that did not involve copy and paste was Feb 27, with the news of D's wedding announcement. I'm a new woman now. I enrolled to complete a practitioner-level training in NLP and as much as I didnt think I could, I emerged a somewhat new person. What I feel on a more consistent basis is that I'm whole now. Not broken any more.

I'm talking to D again on a regular basis. He'll be moving to Singapore soon and settle down. First on the books would be him getting clients for his coaching practice. This may include Malaysia also, as he's not confining his base to just Singapore. Once he's got his kit together, he and his girlfriend will set wedding dates.

I really recommend NLP as a tool to have a deeper understanding of why we do the things we do. The cool thing is this - NLP study of modeling helps to identify what works in what we do - to explain the 'magic' behind intuition and gut feel that guides the us when we are at best at what we do. This then assists us to replicate this model of success and once replicated, we can achieve success every time. Want more information? Just swing by Navigo NLP Center and talk to my buddy Carsten, the principal consultant.

In the meantime, for old times' sake, here's me and D, at the Munich airport, Oct 2006.

1 comment:

SC said...

since you are back to just got tagged..hehehehe