Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Items on my todo list

Chautauqua today is about sharpening the saw; not the horror movie much favored by my friend, Bee - the saw here is our brain, or our soul, depending on how you want to see it. So here are my bookmarked pages, and I will get to reading them as soon as I can. In the meantime, feel free to click on the links because these gems of knowledge benefit everyone! :-)

An introduction to journal writing (why bother, and intimacy issues, among others)

The 5 types of blog posts that experts write (If you want to be known as an expert in something, you also have to know how present yourself as one. Bloggers who are known experts write in way that enforces that image)

10 benefits of rising early (not just what's good about it, but also doable steps on HOW on earth to achieve it, too)

Generating ideas for blog posts (Can you create a notebook full of potential blog post ideas? You betcha)

What are you waiting for? Get clicking! :-)

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