Saturday, April 21, 2007

A few more quirky things

I never thought of these things before, and they came automatically to mind while I was on the walkalators in Ikano power center. I realised that there are one or two more weird things about me that are, well - kinda weird *LOL*

  1. I like to arrange my money so that all notes face the same way in my wallet. I like my bills to be in order, and in neat groups i.e. the 1 ringgit notes with the other 1 ringgit notes and the like. I feel very cluttered when they are not in order.
  2. I like to watch people sleep. I think that's when we're totally rested and relaxed. I feel calm myself when I see the calm faces of sleeping people :)
  3. I like to read everywhere. In the airport, on the plane, on the treadmill, while I eat, in bed, in the bathroom, while waiting for anything and anyone - I always have a book with me. I remember when I was a kid, I'd hunt for my Enid Blyton books whenever I'm about to sit down and eat. My mum would always say 'there she goes - just like her father, always looking for a book before eating.'

I think that'll do for now.... :)


SC said...

The money thing, I do that too...and I group them in order...1 ringgit, then 5, then 10 and so one. And, I can't stand folded notes! I love em crisp and straight...kekekeke

Kryptonite said...

Eh - I also! Do you think that's the reason behind be liking new money out of the ATM? hee hee...

Take care!

Choobacca said...


hope you dont iron the money so it remains straight if it is crumpled in your wallet.

In the US the found cocaine in dollar bills, real drug money, i wonder what would happen if you iron them, might get a high...


Kryptonite said...

Ironing the bills to straighten them out again? Tempting, but no *sigh* I have to make do by ironing my trousers like crazy and making sure my hangers in the closet all face the same direction... LOL