Thursday, February 28, 2008

I love you and I want to have your babies

There I was, my gym card in hand, waiting for the front office person to hand over my designated towels for my workout for the day. He turned around and looked at me (or rather, right through me, from the looks of it) very blankly, and asked:


I looked deep into his eyes and said:

"No, I'm just standing here to tell you that I love you and I want to have your babies."


Cut back into real life -

I looked at him and nodded, gesturing to my gym card that clearly indicated my type of membership as a towel-deserving-dong-based-on-the-additional-26-ringgit-that-I-cough-out-per-month.

He gave me my towels and I thanked him with an extra sweet smile.

On the treadmill, I entertained myself with other options to answer his question of "Towels?"

  1. No - one plate of chicken rice, please
  2. No - I need a new gym card with Angelina Jolie's picture on it to replace mine
  3. No - mee goreng mamak satu!
  4. I dont know - what can I get if I show you my membership card?

and more, but I stop here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Parted no more

After years of drifting away from each other, they finally got together again. They chatted with each other, reminisced, and spoke about things the way friends who have regained contact after many years of absence do. So many things had changed after 5 years, yet still many things stayed the same. They both looked older, yet the cheekiness in their smiles remained. They were apart for many years and had gone through a lot, but the warm familiarity brought them close, even closer than before. They had both grown up, even though both had declared to never be tempted to even consider becoming mature adults, even if growing old is compulsory.

On the way home, he held her hand tight, their fingers interlaced. They talked non-stop until their voices grew husky and laughed until they had stitches in their sides. He held her in his arms until her breathing deepened to sleep. It was a rainy night, and when the thunder startled her, he stroked her back and soothed her until they both drifted off. In the morning, she awoke before the alarm rang. He opened his eyes and looked across the pillow into her smiling face. He smiled back. He felt like he'd been sleeping with her next to him forever.

Finally he is home. SHE is his home.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Faith healed

Just when I thought I'd managed to lose all faith in the the goodness of human heart, I chanced upon a quote by Ghandi.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Here's the funny/interesting thing - right after I read that, I felt my forehead soften, making a frown (that I had not been aware of earlier) disappear. My jaws unclenched - I didn't realize that they had been tense before. My eyebrows lifted and the areas around my eyes relaxed. My facial muscles melt into a small smile.

So today's Chautauqua is about healing. I want to remind myself that I am responsible to heal myself, and my subconscious mind is capable of that.

I have been rather negative very recently, without realizing it. Ever since I found myself in the middle of a misunderstanding between a young girl and her beau. She thinks what she has with her bloke is something really special and exclusive, whereas the bloke has always been very publicly clear about how single his matchstick is. Perhaps she believes that he's only keeping his toothbrush in her mug and only hers, when hers is not the only mug that's storing his toothbrush around town. I naturally checked him out the best I could, before rubbing noses with him, but I suppose I girl can go wrong sometimes...

However, it was quite the loveliest month, I must say. Regardless of his charming raconteur ways and slight braggart exterior, when we were alone, what shone through was his gentle warmth and humility. A strong desire to please those with him, an endearing unpretentiousness - perfectly happy to laugh at himself (I had a lot of opportunity to do that, yeh). We spoke on the phone a lot too, and emailed each other when we were not together.

Then the bombshell landed - such harsh words were spoken by someone so young. A seductress, she called me. Such a sad, pitiful, deceitful life, she called mine. For snatching someone that belonged to someone else, she maintained. My innocence? No such thing, according to her.

As much as I thought I didn't give a rat's ass about it, I guess I was a bit bothered by the bitterness. In fact, I'm still a little bit bothered by it.

No - I will go back to Gandhi's quote now. And have a little bit of healing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Items on my todo list

Chautauqua today is about sharpening the saw; not the horror movie much favored by my friend, Bee - the saw here is our brain, or our soul, depending on how you want to see it. So here are my bookmarked pages, and I will get to reading them as soon as I can. In the meantime, feel free to click on the links because these gems of knowledge benefit everyone! :-)

An introduction to journal writing (why bother, and intimacy issues, among others)

The 5 types of blog posts that experts write (If you want to be known as an expert in something, you also have to know how present yourself as one. Bloggers who are known experts write in way that enforces that image)

10 benefits of rising early (not just what's good about it, but also doable steps on HOW on earth to achieve it, too)

Generating ideas for blog posts (Can you create a notebook full of potential blog post ideas? You betcha)

What are you waiting for? Get clicking! :-)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Celebrity or non celebrity?

Today's chautauqua is about Impact.

My task was to source for a speaker that focuses on personal development. There was a 'well-known face' requirement to this task ie it'd be better to find someone who's recognized by the audience. I had been struggling with this a little, until my team leader asked me for feedback regarding a popular speaker. Her question was "was his session impactful?" I think she knew that I didnt think (or more importantly, I didnt feel) that his session was impactful.

So, no more twiddling my thumbs. I spoke to someone I know who's not a TV celebrity, but really knows his stuff. We're talking about achieving maximum impact in the minimum amount of time. He's spot on for the value that I believe is what the audience is looking for, based on their feedback much , much earlier. What's in it for them, you may ask? I say, in this one hour, they will be able to reach inside themselves and hold on to something that inspires them to be positive about THEMSELVES. Hows that for impact. Heh.