Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Parted no more

After years of drifting away from each other, they finally got together again. They chatted with each other, reminisced, and spoke about things the way friends who have regained contact after many years of absence do. So many things had changed after 5 years, yet still many things stayed the same. They both looked older, yet the cheekiness in their smiles remained. They were apart for many years and had gone through a lot, but the warm familiarity brought them close, even closer than before. They had both grown up, even though both had declared to never be tempted to even consider becoming mature adults, even if growing old is compulsory.

On the way home, he held her hand tight, their fingers interlaced. They talked non-stop until their voices grew husky and laughed until they had stitches in their sides. He held her in his arms until her breathing deepened to sleep. It was a rainy night, and when the thunder startled her, he stroked her back and soothed her until they both drifted off. In the morning, she awoke before the alarm rang. He opened his eyes and looked across the pillow into her smiling face. He smiled back. He felt like he'd been sleeping with her next to him forever.

Finally he is home. SHE is his home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish i could be so lucky .. to finally be able to find home